Posted by Gazelle Global
Anne Brown Global Data Collection Guru
After what felt like a two-year-long winter, the world opened up, and in-person international research began to flourish in a post -covid world. The future of research looks promising, but trying times continue with the rise in global conflict, inflation, global warming, and civic unrest. To press forward and tackle these issues. Collaboration is more important than ever.
“A rising tide lifts all boats.” Anne Brown, CEO and President of Gazelle Global, joins Sharday Torgerson on the Insightrix podcast to discuss how these situations continue to affect the research community, consumers and brands.
From the importance of all research methodologies to how to eliminate research bias, this dynamic conversation is filled with Anne’s 25 years of global research experience.
Global data collection is still thriving. Pivots have been made to obtain quality insights by gathering qualitative insights online through one-on-one conversations. With focus groups opening up, there will be room for online and face-to-face qualitative research to reach a wider audience globally.
With the great pivot, all research methods have remained the same - there are just changes in the levels of those methodologies. With the rise of internet penetration, there will be more online research and mobile research. This is where quantitative research is pivoting; the majority will be through mobile surveys and data collection.
Adapting and being innovative is how Anne has become an industry leader. Mixing new methodologies with old methodologies allows for the perfect balance between face-to-face and online research.
Tune into this insightful conversation and learn how to take your current circumstances, adjust, plan and succeed.
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Topics: Global Research Service